En plena guerra de Malvinas, un militar e ingeniero aeronáutico argentino, se ve obligado a desertar. Su hijo Tomás, un estudiante de veinte años embanderado en la causa por la reconquista del archipiélago, vive la deserción de su padre como una experiencia que lo decepciona y humilla profundamente.
Al recrear los hechos desde el lado argentino y desde el lado británico, Pablo Vierci ingresa en una dimensión donde los conceptos de traidor, héroe, soldado y, en especial, desertor, se resignifican. En esta novela, todo cambia a partir del conflicto bélico menos los vínculos existentes entre padres e hijos.
In the middle of Falklands’ war, an Argentine military and aeronautical engineer was forced to desert. Tomás, his son, a twenty-year-old student has taken up the cause for the re conquest of the islands, lives the desertion of his father as an experience that makes him feel disappointed an humiliated.
In recreating the facts from the Argentine side and from the British side, Pablo Vierci enters a dimension where the concepts of traitor, hero, soldier, and deserter, in particular, are redefined. In this novel, everything changes after the armed conflict, except family ties between parents and children.
Al recrear los hechos desde el lado argentino y desde el lado británico, Pablo Vierci ingresa en una dimensión donde los conceptos de traidor, héroe, soldado y, en especial, desertor, se resignifican. En esta novela, todo cambia a partir del conflicto bélico menos los vínculos existentes entre padres e hijos.
In the middle of Falklands’ war, an Argentine military and aeronautical engineer was forced to desert. Tomás, his son, a twenty-year-old student has taken up the cause for the re conquest of the islands, lives the desertion of his father as an experience that makes him feel disappointed an humiliated.
In recreating the facts from the Argentine side and from the British side, Pablo Vierci enters a dimension where the concepts of traitor, hero, soldier, and deserter, in particular, are redefined. In this novel, everything changes after the armed conflict, except family ties between parents and children.

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