SAGAI es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro creada, conducida e integrada por actores. Su objetivo es gestionar y administrar colectivamente los derechos de propiedad intelectual generados por la comunicación pública de las interpretaciones de actores y bailarines.
Se nos encargó la tarea de volcar en una pieza gráfica toda la información para comunicarles a sus socios, de manera clara y eficiente, la gestión realizada por la institución a lo largo del año.
SAGAI is a non-profit civil association which is created, conducted and made up by actors. Its aim is to collectively manage and administer intellectual property rights generated by public communication of performance of actors and dancers.
We were assigned the task of turning all the information to associates into a single graphic piece in order to communicate, in a clear and efficient way, the management performed by the institution throughout the year.
Se nos encargó la tarea de volcar en una pieza gráfica toda la información para comunicarles a sus socios, de manera clara y eficiente, la gestión realizada por la institución a lo largo del año.
SAGAI is a non-profit civil association which is created, conducted and made up by actors. Its aim is to collectively manage and administer intellectual property rights generated by public communication of performance of actors and dancers.
We were assigned the task of turning all the information to associates into a single graphic piece in order to communicate, in a clear and efficient way, the management performed by the institution throughout the year.