Una aventura extraordinaria a través de geografías imposibles. Magia, intrigas, cofradías, amor, amistad y el descubrimiento de un mundo mitológico fascinante. En un mundo de hombres, la joven capitana se hace fuerte para sobrevivir. La llegada de un personaje misterioso la obliga a enfrentar sus propios fantasmas para levantarse contra la tiranía que oprime al pueblo de Knur.
¡Icen velas! ¡Leven anclas!
¡Icen velas! ¡Leven anclas!
Se tomó la decisión desde el departamento de comunicación de la editorial, que esta apuesta juvenil se iba a ir develando poco a poco. De esta manera se creó una sólida relación con los lectores y seguidores del género de fantasía, que los enamoró de la trama y de su capitana.
Realizamos 4 teasers sobre los pilares de la historia y luego un booktrailer con la presentación final y completa de la crónica.
Autora: Victoria Bayona
An extraordinary adventure throughout impossible geographies. Magic, intrigue, brotherhoods, love, friendship and the discovery of a fascinating mythological world. In a world of men, the young captain lady becomes stronger to survive. The arrival of a mysterious character, force her to face her own ghosts to rise up against the tyranny that oppresses Knur people.
Set sails!
Realizamos 4 teasers sobre los pilares de la historia y luego un booktrailer con la presentación final y completa de la crónica.
Autora: Victoria Bayona
An extraordinary adventure throughout impossible geographies. Magic, intrigue, brotherhoods, love, friendship and the discovery of a fascinating mythological world. In a world of men, the young captain lady becomes stronger to survive. The arrival of a mysterious character, force her to face her own ghosts to rise up against the tyranny that oppresses Knur people.
Set sails!
The Communication Department of the Publishing House decided this youth commitment was going to be revealed little by little. Thus, a solid relationship was created with readers and followers of the fantasy genre, who fell in love with the plot and its female captain.
We made 4 teasers about the pillars of the story and then a booktrailer with the final and complete presentation of the chronicle.
Author: Victoria Bayona
We made 4 teasers about the pillars of the story and then a booktrailer with the final and complete presentation of the chronicle.
Author: Victoria Bayona

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