Desde un enfoque íntimo, personal, incluso conmovedor, este libro permite al lector deslizarse en la intimidad de la relación entre Victoria y "Georgie", y comprender su proximidad y sus diferencias. Con prólogo de María Kodama y nota introductoria de Odile Felgine, esta cuidada edición, nos deja al descubierto la familiaridad respetuosa, precavida, y la necesidad casi vital que tuvieron de acompañarse estas dos figuras de las letras argentinas.
Editorial El Ateneo nos seleccionó para llevar a cabo este proyecto, que incluyó además del diseño del interior y su correspondiente tapa, la oportunidad de trabajar junto a profesionales de la talla de Sara Facio y del personal de comunicación de la casa UNESCO Villa Ocampo.
Fue una experiencia enriquecedora.
From an intimate, personal, even moving approach, this book allows the reader to slide into the intimacy of the relationship between Victoria and "Georgie", and thus, understand their union and their differences. With a foreword written by María Kodama and a prologue written by Odile Felgine, this thorough edition exposes the respectful and cautious familiarity and the almost vital need these two personalities of the Argentine literature had to create side by side.
Editorial El Ateneo contacted us to carry out this project, which included the interior design as well as its cover, the opportunity to work next to renowned professionals such as Sara Facio and the communication staff of UNESCO Villa Ocampo house. It was an enriching experience.
Editorial El Ateneo nos seleccionó para llevar a cabo este proyecto, que incluyó además del diseño del interior y su correspondiente tapa, la oportunidad de trabajar junto a profesionales de la talla de Sara Facio y del personal de comunicación de la casa UNESCO Villa Ocampo.
Fue una experiencia enriquecedora.
From an intimate, personal, even moving approach, this book allows the reader to slide into the intimacy of the relationship between Victoria and "Georgie", and thus, understand their union and their differences. With a foreword written by María Kodama and a prologue written by Odile Felgine, this thorough edition exposes the respectful and cautious familiarity and the almost vital need these two personalities of the Argentine literature had to create side by side.
Editorial El Ateneo contacted us to carry out this project, which included the interior design as well as its cover, the opportunity to work next to renowned professionals such as Sara Facio and the communication staff of UNESCO Villa Ocampo house. It was an enriching experience.

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